LSU Tigers 23 NFL Football Playoffs Total Players On Playoff Rosters The Path To The Boot Super Bowl T-Shirt . Riyadh Air, the world’s newest global airline, owned by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF), closed out Paris Haute Couture Week with the unveiling of its cabin crew’s uniforms designed by Saudi Arabian designer Mohammed Ashi, founder of Ashi Studio.“It’s not cabin crew ‘uniforms,’ it’s cabin crew fashion,” declared Tony Douglas, chief executive of Riyadh Air, at the press unveiling at Monnaie de Paris. “Our cabin crew personify the panache and style that Riyadh Air represents, connecting back to those halcyon days of commercial aviation, like Pan Am and the TWA, with a real modern twist. Fast-forward 60 years, bring to it modernity, bring to it the spirit of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”Douglas added: “When our cabin crew walk through the major airport terminals, like JFK, I want them to make a statement, for people to notice, and for them to respectfully stand out in the crowd, and to showcase that graceful fashion charm.”
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Classic Women's [/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Long Sleeved [/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Unisex Sweatshirt[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Unisex Hoodie[/caption][caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Classic Men's [/caption]
LSU Tigers 23 NFL Football Playoffs Total Players On Playoff Rosters The Path To The Boot Super Bowl T-Shirt . Ashi, who was named the airline’s creative director in May to design the airline’s first-ever cabin crew uniform, drew inspiration from the 1950s and 1960s ‘golden era’ of aviation, as well as the 2002 film ‘Catch Me If You Can,’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio.Combining high fashion with the glamour and elegance of Saudi Arabia, Ashi showcased 15 looks for men and women, including coats, dresses, trousers, shoes, and hats, as well as sunglasses and bags for a complete lifestyle look that’s bold and modern.The luxury line oozes glamour and craftsmanship, from the custom unique amethyst hue of the airline’s branding, which pays homage to Saudi Arabia’s lavender fields, to the retro-inspired elegant, tailored dresses made of fine wools, cashmere outerwear and iconic pillbox hats and statement sunglasses.On describing why he wanted to be part of Riyadh Air’s journey, Ashi told FashionUnited: “Growing up in Saudi, and seeing Saudi today, and seeing the evolution of Riyadh, I knew I wanted to be part of it. When I got the call, I thought that I’m entering history, and I feel grateful and proud, as the airline will will play an important role in the future of Saudi Arabia by making Riyadh one of the world’s key destinations.”
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