As has been pointed out Social worker therapist emotions shirt . the entrances of hives must be greatly reduced during the winter in order that the efficacy of the bottom packing may be preserved.tshirtclassic It is desirable, however, that provision be made for larger entrances during the early fall and again in the spring. To provide conditions suitable at all times while the packing cases are on, the Bureau of Entomology has adopted a type of entrance which to some extent has been used previously in the North.The chief dancer, of course, is from moisture which condenses, and in an adequately packed hive there is no condensation. The temperature never goes low enough for water vapor to condense. Therefore it is obvious that upward ventilation for the escape of moisture is never needed in hives that are packed as they should be. Any beekeeper who has had trouble in the past with condensed moisture in the hives, or with wet « 13 » packing over the porous tops, may be sure that he has not provided enough packing material.
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