Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 7, 2021

Mens Floorhand Man The Myth Legend shirt

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It is therefore astonishing that any Mens Floorhand Man The Myth Legend shirt .instances should occur of patients who have been deserted by physicians,tshirtclassic and afterwards found a remedy in antimony, administered by quacks, who do not so much as pretend to any degree of medicinal knowledge. But the arguments drawn from the example of giving antimony in large quantities to horses, do not prove its innocence in the human body. The crocus metallorum is used by farriers to the quantity of an ounce or two in the day, yet a few grains of this preparation produce in men the most violent and dangerous effects.Dr. James in the universal English Dispensatory says,it is astonishing that so many physicians, and some of them men of learning, should so strenuously oppose the introduction of antimony into medicine, and without any manner of evidence or experience, treat it as a deleterious poison. For it appears that antimony reduced to powder is neither emetic nor cathartic: though, if given in large quantities, it may perhaps, by its weight, gently loosen the belly; and so far is it from being deleterious, that it is an excellent alterative in the mange of horses, and a salutary medicine in some diseases of men as well as cattle.

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Paracelsus, as well as Glauber,[11] recommends it as an external application[17] in the cure of cancers,  judging it superior even to arsenic in all corroding diseases, and expresses his ardent wishes that it should be substituted in place of all other remedies, that the reproach of the chirurgical art might be removed, and our humanity might not be offended with such numbers of maimed and mutilated objects[12] Mens Floorhand Man The Myth Legend shirt . He highly extols its preparations, and attributes to some of them the power of giving the bloom of youth to decrepit old age.Some direct antimony to be tried by rubbing the powder with a strong[16] dog’s tooth upon yellow paper, where, if it leaves a red spot it is pure. Others order a tincture to be made with spirit of vinegar and evaporated on an iron plate, and if it leaves a red powder it is reputed good. It is also said to be good, when it is not spongy, but heavy, and when it evaporates by a strong heat The earlier chymical writers who praise it highly, scruple not to own that it is, in its natural state, a virulent poison. Basil Valentine, its greatest advocate, though he admits that it is given by farmers to their cattle, when they intend to make them fat and smooth; yet declares it to be truly poisonous, and strictly prohibits the use of it unprepared.

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